
This was written by someone very special in our lives and we think it is right on!

Quite a few years ago, on my birthday, I woke up late and hit the floor running. Hurriedly showered and dressed and headed off to work. Arrived at work and realized that I had not called the night before to check the recorded jury duty message. So I quickly called and of course my number needed to report by 8:30am, now 8:15am and had to drive in morning season traffic 15 miles. Was gonna be late, so told my boss what was going on and left, with the phone number for the jury selection office ringing on my cell phone! Got there just as they were escorting us jurors to the courtroom for selection process to begin. Once there the judge gave everyone instructions, then announced the numbers of the first sixteen jurors that had been randomly picked for questioning by prosecuting and defense attorneys. Yes, I was the 16th number, we were ushered to a special seating area. The defense attorney asked this question, “Do you believe the nursery rhyme, sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS may never harm me, is true?”. I’ll never forget how that question made me feel, sick to my stomach.

Words…..so many of them filled my mind, and the faces of those that had said them to me. Those words had harmed me all my life, made me feel less than, a failure, ugly and fat, undeserving, unwanted, not worthy, unlovable, fearful, untrusting, a pile of garbage, lower than anyone else, just not enough. Certainly not unharmed!

Words are abuse unseen, they bruise you, cut you & bleed you where others can’t see. In your mind, heart and spirit. So how then can anyone help? Someone can help, not just anyone. Someone that thinks you are truly special and are worth dying for, worth giving perfect love and driving out all fear. This unconditional love requires nothing, no strings attached. It is there for taking, I took it. I got healed, and now when WORDS try to harm, I can give those words to HIM and He restores me with HIS love.

I am a beloved daughter, a princess

I am blessed beyond measure

I am surrounded by mercy and grace

I am given songs in the night

I am called valuable

I am free of from sin, guilt and condemnation

I am accepted and adopted

…….and so much more. Everyday in His WORDS I find more and more that “I am”, you can too!
